Monday, November 16, 2009

Gums between first and second molar seperated form the teeth.?

In between the first and second molars on my lower right side the gum has seperated from the teeth a little bit. There has been no bleeding, and only a little pain. But I can clearly move a flap of my gums with my tounge. I also had my wisdom teeth removed about 12 days ago.

Gums between first and second molar seperated form the teeth.?
Clearly, you are concerned about this situation.

You recently saw a dentist for removal of your third molars. Why not go in for a post-operative check? It should be included at no charge.

A "moveable" flap is not normal, as you no doubt already know.
Reply:There is a chance that it is the front border of the incision made to remove your wisdom tooth. Do what emmelue said and go ask them to see if you are healing normally. You might need to have this area resutured, or they will tell you that it will be fine. If you didn't have an incision then................. nevermind.

Still, take emmalue's advice.

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