Saturday, November 14, 2009

My gums around my back wisdom tooth is swollen and it hurts so bad!?

I dont have medical or insurance but Ineed advice on what I can do to make the pain go away.the gums overlap onto my wisdom tooth just a little and its red and swollen and it even hurts when I swallow just on the side where the pain i s. I can actually lift the gum up off my tooth back there. Do you think I need my wisdom tooth pulled or what? Please help!My gums are tender and hurts when I eat too!

My gums around my back wisdom tooth is swollen and it hurts so bad!?
Ok, you REALLY need to see a dentist man...If you don't you could get infections in your jawbone that would cause complications that would require way more than you would ever have paid for insurance and the dentist....some dentists give free consultation even without insurance so check for one of those okay? , you don't want to have only 3 teeth at age 35.
Reply:No this is perfectly normal to have this flap of skin. It sounds like you have gotten some food or something into the gum which has caused a slight infection. Buy some TCP and gargle with this two to three times a day

(yeah I know it smells awful but it seriously kicks *** with mouth infections) Make sure you floss around that flap of gum to keep all food out in the future. It will prob flare up every now and then and really is nothing to worry about.
Reply:you probably need your wisdom tooth pulled. it could be infected. try rinsing your mouth with warm salt water especially on the side with the sore wisdom tooth on it .then call your dds and see about an appointment to get the tooth removed.
Reply:You need to see a dentist ASAP. If you don't you could get an abcess and it could turn into quite a big infection. You can always make payments to the dentist and surgeon. Your health is most important.

Good luck
Reply:You ABSOLUTELY need to get that tooth pulled ASAP. Having a gap between the tooth and the gumline is an open invitation for bacteria and food particles to get stuck in there. Before you know it, you'll have an abscessed tooth. With the tooth being so close to your tonsils, Eustachian tubes, and lymph nodes, any infection in the tooth can become disastrous. I would consult an endodontist (not a dentist) and see what they can do for you. They may be able to salvage the tooth, but it's always a good idea to get your wisdom teeth pulled!

Best of luck!
Reply:The exact same thing happened to me. I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled. If you don't get them pulled, it can cause an infection and you will have worse problems. You really need to get that insurance. Sorry.
Reply:Raks! Dont panic! your a growing lad suffering growing pains. You listen to your Uncle Tony ok, im from the UK and we know all about pain,afterall we invented the word. Now! You aint got toothache,its normal gum immflamation. Remedy stop telling lies??? Its a joke dude that was a joke! Pain killers and get a small bottle of oil of cloves. And rub a little at a time onto the gum.this will happen again, so be prepared!
Reply:you need to get to the dentist

we all have our wisdom teeth pulled usually.. and it sounds like your jsut getting yours or the gums are infected... the swelling of the gum over it should be a sign to get to the dentist.. sorry no insurances but maybe the dentist will work out a payment plan. and yes they hurt so bad..until their removed....and can cause the throat to hurt as well.... go to the dentist he may need to get ya some antibotics.... try suing some cold packs on that side off an on severla times a day and take some tylenol or ibprofen for the pain..'hugss an please get well soon
Reply:It sounds like your wisdom teeth are erupting. The swelling is "normal" especially if it's on both sides, but you should be checked by on oral surgeon , if you want the wisdom teeth removed, or dentist. I would definitely rinse with warm salt water and take an Advil or Tylenol to help with the discomfort. Also if your lower front teeth are feeling really tight or if they've moved this is a good sign you should probably have your wisdom teeth removed. Good Luck.
Reply:Sounds like pericoronitis, a gum infection caused by a partially erupted tooth where bacteria and/or food has gotten under the flap of tissue. You need to see a dentist for an antibiotic, and maybe have the area numbed and flushed out. Also, you need to discuss extracting the tooth- the issue is likely to return again and again until resolved. For now, warm salt water may help a little, but won't truly reach the source of the problem. Besides the gum soreness, you may have decay of the tooth itself, and that surely won't go away on it's own. See a dentist, and good luck!

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