Saturday, November 14, 2009

My gums in the back of the left side of my mouth hurt, what is wrong?

My gums in the back of the left side of my mouth hurt, and when I felt my gum with my tongue, it felt like a popcorn kernel or something was sticking out of my gum. I can also pull my gum a little bit away from my teeth in this section of my mouth.

My gums in the back of the left side of my mouth hurt, what is wrong?
gum disease is a possibility, besides wisdom teeth which is more likely. You might have scratched or injured your gum, and it's become infected. Gargle with warm salt water. Keep the area clean. See a dentist if it doesn't feel better in a few days.
Reply:You probably have a wisdom tooth growing in.
Reply:you might be getting your wisdom teeth
Reply:you're just developing a molar tooth there's no need to worry.
Reply:you are growing wisdom teeth..they are painful and alot of times need to be removed due to infection, if they grow in straight it will be takes a long time for them to grow, sometime on and off for years. they push through the gum, tearing it in the process which is why the gum is pulled away from the tooth...keep you mouth clean to prevent infection, rinse with mouth wash/ salt and water to kill germs. you can buy a liquid/cream to numb the gum..anbesol is one cream for numbing gums and tooth ace.
Reply:It's quite possibly your wisdom tooth.
Reply:Wisdom teeth, sometime they will come up and down for years. That what mine did and the dentist said it was because there was not space for them in my mouth. So I got them out.
Reply:It could be an abscess. It's important that you see a dentist if you are over 16 and there is little chance of a wisdom tooth coming through.

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