Friday, November 13, 2009

After whitening my teeth, extreme gum pain...what should I do?

I whitened my teeth several days ago, and I have whitened my teeth several times before, without problems. This time, however, my gums were very sensitive, and have slowly worsened, and are now to the point where I can't eat or talk without extreme pain. My gums and the part that connects my lip to my gums, are in extreme pain. I don't know what's wrong, and if I should just continue numbing it and wait it out, as I have been told to do, or if it's serious enough that I should make a dentist's appointment. Please help!

After whitening my teeth, extreme gum pain...what should I do?
Stay away from whitening until it gets resolved.

it can be an allergy but if you are using the same stuff as before, it probably isn't.

you probably has the gel contact the gums for too long. this is common but it will go away, just don't aggravate it more by whitening more.

if it doesn't go away, see your dentist.

keep smiling
Reply:Take a few days off before whitening your teeth again. Maybe you kept the whitening on the teeth for too long of a time. Do it for 30-45 min., once per day.
Reply:Forget the dentist, go to A %26amp; E. It sounds like you are having an allergic reaction and the best treatment will be at hospital.
Reply:use sensitive tooth pastes such as sensodyne or peonamel, which can help with sensitivity but it may be an extreme gum reaction so see the dentists ASAP.

Take care
Reply:sounds liek some of the stuff got under your gum line. you should see a dentist
Reply:If u keep whitening them every so often your gums will become real sensitive. I would say do that about one a month. If u dont yur gums are gonna be jacked up.

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