Friday, May 21, 2010

Receeding Gums?

Well i haven't gone to the dentist yet, but after getting hit in the mouth with braces (not that hard) my gums started to bleed for a minute or so then my one tooth got sensitive to cold. It's been about a week now and its still sensitive. I've been brushing with sensedyne and its kinda helps. i started using the paste 3 days ago. It doesn't hurt when i touch it or bite down but is sensitive to cold drinks and air. So my question is can Receeding gums be caused by a tooth trauma like mine ?

Receeding Gums?
Gum recession can be linked to trauma, to be more specific a chronic trauma to the same area, like brushing really hard using hard tooth brush with excessive pressure can cause recession, some tongue or lip piercing can cause recession if in constant contact with your gum, ortho treatment can cause recession, now acute trauma like yours is less likely to cause recession, even though its possible.

the symptoms you described for your tooth being sensitive can suggest 2 things, either the tooth is hyper-sensitive because of the hit and your ortho treatment made things worse, usually this kind of sensitivity will resolve in couple weeks, the other possibility is that your tooth is cracked or fractured because of the trauma. and localized gum recession can be associated with a cracked tooth. my advice is that you need to see a dentist ASAP for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Reply:Yeah..............gumhealth is of utmost importance ,ifyou want to save your teeth.......vitamin c is of vital importance eatfreshloadsn loads of fresh fruits and veggies
Reply:The answer to your question is yes "Receeding gums [can] be caused by a tooth trauma like" yours. I mountain bike and wreck quite a bit so I know. Also, I would advise that you go to a dentist. Nothing is worse than messed up teeth.
Reply:receding gums can be serious, the best thing to do is to get to the dentist as soon as possible to avoid teeth to be falling out. you need to have a good program of oral hygiene every after meal.

foods particles that is left and usually clings to the teeth are the source of bacteria to cause receding gums. it is a must to floss and brush teeth after meal to remove plaque and tartar. practice oral care would also be a great help like proper brushing and careful flossing.

use an all natural oral care product as a part of good oral hygiene to fight the cause of gum infections. visit for more bad breath care tips.


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