Sunday, May 16, 2010

Whats causing my gums to bleed?

this has happend like 4 times in the past two months: i will be just settn around and all of a sudden i tase blood in my mouth and blood will liteally be gushing from my gums

not just like one side of the gums in my mouth but blood comes from every where.

my gums dont even bleed when i brush or floss them whats going on here?

Whats causing my gums to bleed?
give them teeth a good flossing every night! Your gums may have a LOT of junk in them, and that junk (food) has been BACK there so long that your gums are starting to deteriorate. Go see a professional too, like the other person suggested.
Reply:Consult with a dentist.
Reply:Call your dentist or a periodontologist to make an appointment. When was the last time you had your teeth cleaned? It could be something as simple as having them cleaned, or you could have a bigger problem. Number 1 reason adults loose their teeth are periodontal (gum) problems.
Reply:You should definately talk to a dental professional, but this is my guess. It could be anything, maybe a very strong case of gengivitus (and I most likely spelled that wrong :]) or your just brushing to little or to much. I'm not sure, but just ask a dentist or orthodontist.
Reply:Probably you brush too hard. I recommend you to see a dentist.

You need to see a medical doctor immediately!!!

This is a sign that something is wrong in your body and blood stream. Not your teeth

The spontaneous bleeding of the gums you are describing are indicative of several diseases and conditions that since

i am not a medical doctor, I will not attempt to diagnosis you only stress the importance of consulting a physician. You need to have blood work done and other testing ;

I repeat


You need to see an internal medicine doctor not a gp
Reply:Even hormonal changes can cause this problem. Take more vitamin C, and floss everyday, and get an electric toothbrush and water pic. Some dentists recammend a deep cleaning, to get down under the gumline and do a through cleaning. You may need this done. I had bleeding gums when I was pregnant, and the doctor said it is due sometimes to your hormones changing. Just make sure you floss everyday, it really does help. Good luck.

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