Friday, May 21, 2010

Why are my gums swelling and full of pus?

I went to the dentist about 2 years ago to have a tooth re-filled. Ever since they used the freezing in my gums, that exact area has been infected and when i push on the gums pus comes out of this little hole, followed by blood. Occasionally you can see little red oval shaped things that look like spiders eggs or something...

Sometimes, like the past few days, it gets really painful. At the moment that area of my gums is swolen pretty bad i can feel the pressure on the outside of my mouth, and the tooth is in alot of pain too... I have bad dental hygiene, but at the time of re-filling i was alot better, but still got infected...

Why, what, how do i fix it

Why are my gums swelling and full of pus?
go to a different, better dentist
Reply:I would go to a doctor, I know someone who died from a tooth infection after it became septic go see a dentist. hopefully a different one than the one who screwed your mouth up in the first place
Reply:It sounds to me like you need some root canal work but your dentist could tell you for sure. What you also need to get into the habit of is flossing or using those tiny interdental brushes *EVERY DAY*
Reply:Visit your dentist. If you have poor oral hygiene, then they should be able to suggest a routine for you that will get rid of the infection and help maintain your teeth and keep your gums healthy.
Reply:I had that once actually after i broke my permanent teeth on ice and had to get them fixed. Its an infection that need to be treated or else it will get worse. I suggest you go to the orthodontist to get that cleared up. Chances are you need a root canal or some medication injected. Sorry to break this to you, but it kills. Good luck!
Reply:go to see a Dentist immediately, maybe even a specialist
Reply:Well first of all..GO TO THE DENTIST! This sounds really sick and painful! Ur whole mouth could become infected and have really serious issues them. Sounds like a BAD infection so u need to go to the hospital ASAP!!
Reply:wow. try brushing your teeth! do it twice a day, and life will be good. also, use listerine after each brushing. another thing is to try eating oranges. the extra vitamin c should help your gums.
Reply:Swing some salt water or mouth wash. Then brush your teeth everyday.
Reply:Go see your dentist or even go to a hospital that has a dentist immediately. URGENT! Take ibuprofen (this is the generic name for Advil or Motrin) to help with the pain until you see the dentist, but go right away so they can give you medicine and fix the problem.

I just read your additional info. The dentist will be able to tell you what's going on. Please please get off the computer and call up your dentist right away. You might want to take a parent or adult with you in case you need a tooth extracted or anesthesia--they can support you and make sure you get a ride to the hospital safely and everything.

Very important to get this taken care of ASAP.

Read the edit: is there a hospital near you? Open up your phonebook and see if there is a hospital or a dentist. Call them and tell them what you told in this question and ask what they advise. Maybe they can have somebody pick you up. Or you could try calling 9-1-1
Reply:That hole thing might be a salavitory stone.. I had one of those and it had pus and what not.
Reply:see your dentist...

i have no advice on what to do about dentist will know!

start taking care of your teeth, brush and floss daily, even tho its an annoyance, do it!!

and the build up on your teeth is plaque...the dentist can remove that for you
Reply:GO TO THE DDS! once you're teeth get loose, you're looking at dentures. you didn't mention if you take medication; some have side effects like, 'trenchmouth'. PLEASE GO TO THE DDS!
Reply:i just think that you have gum infection and the best thing really that you can do to save teeth from falling out is to seek the help of a dentists as soon as possible.

if do not pay close attention to good oral hygiene then it can result to gum problems. make it a habit to carefully and properly brush and floss teeth every after meal. this can help remove plaque that sticks around teeth. and can fight bad bacteria that can cause oral infections.

dental visits and dental cleanings are very helpful in taking care of the gums, teeth and oral health. an all natural oral care product can help keep gums and teeth healthy and promote fresh breath. visit for more tips on how to take care of the gums.

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