Friday, November 13, 2009

I got a sore on the top part of my mouth between my gum and top of my uppe rlip.?

When i woke up this morning I thought i bit a part of lip. But it stung so i checked and it didn't look like a bit. It's right next to my gums on the inside of my mouth. Any thoughts?

I got a sore on the top part of my mouth between my gum and top of my uppe rlip.?
cold/canker sore. You can buy a past or gel to put on it at any drug store if its really bothering you.
Reply:Sounds like it could be a canker sore. Swish warm salt water over it every few hours and it should clear up in a few days. They can be paiful, but are harmless.

If you've been eating lots of acidic fruits or candies, that can cause canker sores.
Reply:might just be a scratch or an abcess

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