Sunday, May 16, 2010

Gums shrinkage?

My gums are shrinking only in the incisors and caninie area in the lower part and a diagnosis of periodontitis was given by the dentist. How can i get my gums to its normal state without any surgical intervention. Please help me out

Gums shrinkage?
i have a dental toothpast which is formulted for gum and oral problems n can even stop toothache, is totally organic 100% safe to use if u r interested can email me at
Reply:There really isn't anything you can do except for root planing and surgery if necessary. I didn't have this done and I have dentures to show for it. Believe me it is worth it. Check out this url it tells you the whole process
Reply:With age, gums retract somewhat. But as your dentist has diagnosed periodontitis (inflammation around teeth), your cause is bacteria.

I assume your dental hygienist routinely cleans your teeth and scrapes off plaque and calculus at and below gumline. If not, have this done.

At home, to kill bacteria, Intermittently rinse (swish) a few minutes with hydrogen peroxide (3% solution). (A decade ago I read the brochure of two dentists who recommended this as an alternative to surgery, to heal gums by stopping the underlying infection.) And daily, after each meal and snack, floss and brush teeth, usually with toothpastes containing calcium peroxide. If the peroxides irritate your gums, dilute, use less amount and less frequently. And/or vary with other antiplaque rinses and mouthwashes.

To soothe and speed healing, topically apply to your gums vitamin E (tocotrienol -- is 50x more potent than tocopherol,

per Yale dermatologist Dr. Nicholas Perricone in his bestseller "The Wrinkle Cure").

Nutritionally, as dietary supplements take vitamins A, D, E

(E tocotrienols more potent) and C (to build collagen), and minerals zinc, boron and calcium (to build collagen and strengthen immune system, to heal gums). In general, antioxidants are anti-inflammatory. In diet, to build strong tissues, too you need sulphur (MSM supplements, and oats, cucumber, nettle tea) and quality proteins (beef, chicken, cheese; and for essential fatty acids, nuts and fish).

Don't smoke.

All above should help.
Reply:ok first and foremost, DO NOT USE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, IT WILL ONLY WORSEN CONDITION, AND WATEVER THE PERSON ABOVE ME HAS WRITTEN DONT LISTEN TO, ITS ALL CRAP, I am horrified how he can write such stuff, anyways, having periodontitis means the supporting structures of ur teeth i.e. the periodontium has been attacked by bacteria and is inflamed, there is little u can do about it, other than scaling and root planing and u better get that done, before u start losing ur teeth, and yes quit any obnoxious habits such as tobacco chewing, smoking and start brushing properly, twice a day, that is most important, please consult ur dentist, only he/she will be able to tell u wat the best of course of action will be.

If u cannot afford to go to a private dentist, u can go to dental colleges, where it is cheaper
Reply:In addition to flossing after meals, it is IMPORTANT to floss to maintain healthy gums. They will likely bleed at first but should tighten up a bit. You can also get something called a proxy-brush. It is a very thin brush that is designed to clean between your teeth. You can get different sizes and shapes (straight or tapered). An ultra-fine tapered one may be the easiest to start out with.

I am guessing that you are a smoker since the periodontal disease is in the general area of where you would be holding a cigarette. If you haven't quit already, please do. Right now, the inflammation may just be in the tissues surrounding the teeth (peri - around, dont - teeth, itis - inflammation), but if you let it continue, you are looking at bone loss too - which would mean that you could lose your teeth if it gets bad enough.

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